The vast majority (but not all) of the tasks and puzzles in all our escape rooms would be based on symbols, colours, numbers and shapes, but we cannot provide help or explanation in any language except English.
All of our escape rooms would require an intermediate level of English understanding, due to the nature of the experiences. Our clues via room audio and staff radio will be in English, with no way to alter the language.
In terms of the puzzles within each of our games:
Psychopath's Den has a large text-based task, in which you would need to know the names of several body parts in English, and there will also be an audio giving you instructions in English for another task.
Spy Heroes would require a bit more English understanding as there are a lot of video (without subtitles), audio and text instructions and clues.
Hotel of Horrors would require some understanding of English for the puzzles, but not as much.
Patient Zero would probably have the least amount of English understanding needed, except for one audio-based task (related to numbers), but all of the clues and help the staff provide would be in English.
Our tabletop game, Coming Home has several key words in English which are necessary to understand in order to progress.
Our outdoor games, Operation Mindfall and Mission Blackout will have videos with subtitles, and also some audio-based tasks. There are detailed instructions and clues in English, which would likely be quite difficult for non-English speakers, particularly when it comes to spy-related terminology.
If you have 1 or 2 people in your team who speak more fluently then the rest, and they don't mind translating, then that would be a good option as long as they relay the health and safety briefing sufficiently and are happy to do so throughout.
Previously, we have had tourists and non-fluent speakers play all of our games, but there is sometimes a language barrier which we won't be able to help with.